Thursday, July 2, 2020

Be REAL Christians! 

I just wanted to say a word of encouragement to someone on here today. 
There was a comment I read years ago that was made on Facebook about the fact that Christians should not be writing about the negative things that happen in their lives, and that they should be better examples by saying only uplifting and positive things on social media, and not negative. 
I had several family members, who also saw the post, mentioned it to me, and expressed how bad it made them feel. They said they do express on social media about bad things that happen to them in their lives, to their family and friends who are connected with them on Facebook and other sites. I told them that I, also, felt a little chastened by the comment...I too felt like I had done something wrong, because I, also, am guilty of doing the same at times. I had never seen anything wrong in it. I began to think I was doing something wrong, as well. However, I have since changed my mind.

I was listening to K-LOVE Christian radio station, weeks after reading that comment on Facebook, and they said they poled a number of non-believers and they asked them what they had to say about how they feel about Christians. The #1 thing they said was that they felt like Christians were not real and seemed to never have any problems in their lives. They could not relate to them because of that and felt like they were not living in the same world as they lived in a cocoon, of sorts. 
When I heard that comment, it took me back to the comment made here on Facebook about not expressing the negative or the difficulties one faces at times in life. I thought that was quite interesting, and it really made me think and pray about it. I always want to be doing what it right in sight of the Lord, and if God does not want me telling about the negative things in my life that are going on, then I certainly do not want to do that. But, I have to say, hearing that comment by non-believers made me feel like maybe I have been doing the right thing all along. I have been being real. I have been showing that I live in the real world and am touched by the same negativity in life that eveyone else goes through. I’ve been being normal.
No one is drawn to fakeness or false impressions, and everyone wants to know that someone else understands what they are going through, and not only sympathizes, but empathizes. The truth is the bible says that Jesus himself exerienced grief. He is aquainted with our afflictions. It says that he is touched by our feelings, even our negative ones.

“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews‬ ‭4:15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

People need to know that Jesus was a real man. He was God in flesh...but a real man who felt the human things we feel in life. He was like us when he walked on this earth, with problems and sorrows like us. He knows what it feels like to be hungry, to be tired, to be lonely, to feel rejected of all men, a man of sorrows. It’s ok to feel those things...but we have a message for those going through similar things. We have been there and done that, so to speak. We need to let them know that they are not alone in their suffering, trials and tests which they experience. Even the Lord knows what it's like to feel what they are feeling.

"He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:3 KJV

The difference is, we, believers, have the answer. It's not that we don't suffer or go through bad things, we just have Jesus to get us through it. We have hope. It’s not what we go through that turns unbelievers’s how we deal with it. They don't want to see a bunch of happy go lucky, never-have-a care Christians. They want to see us in real life. How we deal with we overcome. They need to see that we are more than conquerers through Christ. They need to understand that we have the Spirit of God within us each day, who is our great comforter. He is our hope. Non-believers want to see that we are human, that we are real, that we are touched with the same afflictions they Jesus was...but that we are overcomers through Christ and come out on top in the end. They have to see results because they are searching for answers.

That’s my word of encouragement for my fellow Christians today. Just be yourself, live your life, but show that you trust Jesus through all of life's difficult circumstances. Let the world know who takes care of you and lifts you up. People are watching...through the good times and the bad. You are an example to a hurting world, you are known and read of all men, even in social media. People need to see that Jesus is the answer for every situation in their life. They may never pick up a bible and read it...but we should be able to prove the word of God with our lives.

“Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

SO, should we write about the negative that happens in our lives? Well, Jesus suffered. Lord knows, the disciples of Christ sure suffered. And everyone knew it. They even wrote about it. But, if you write something on social media about a trial or test you are facing, don’t forget to write about the answer and how you got through it. Don’t JUST give the negative. Remember to also not leave us all hanging...let us know how it worked out for you, and/or how you are getting through it. The world is watching and needs an answer, too. You could be an example to someone. You could help to give hope to a hopeless situation...even without you knowing it. So write on...and let your light shine. 
Hope that blessed someone today. Love you all!

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